Always one for Multi-tasking…

Well it’s only 10:30 am and I already picked up another project to work on! Good thing I’ve been getting up earlier each week. Funnily enough, it seems like the earlier I awaken, the more ambitious and excited I am to get things done. I keep getting more ideas and even when I’m wiped at 10 pm, I’m still excitedly nerding out on one of the 5 current projects.

Today I was on the hunt for a particular photo for my nephew who is graduating this year and had to dig out all my old discs of digital photos, circa 2003-2010ish. I came to realize that my only laptop that still has a CD reader is hanging on as it is and that I need to digitize these, pronto! So now I’m working on all the cruising stuff as well as transferring these old photos. Morse code is definitely getting nudged to a back burner for the time being, and did I mention I just ordered more media-conversion equipment for scanning old photos and negatives as well as digitizing cassette tapes? Whew. If you KNOW me and have seen even a fraction of the amount of photos and tapes I have….. You understand that I will be swimming in documentation of my life so far for a couple months’ time, at least! I also found more VHS tapes that need to be digitized - a project I took on a couple years back and was a feat in its own right.

What else? My plants are loving springtime and sprouting all over the place, which is beautiful to watch and I love being surprised by entire new leaves that seemingly come out of nowhere. I love watering them and pampering them in the mornings, especially now as they are in need of more water and attention as it warms up around here.

I also have some bills floating around on EBay waiting for some collector to scoop them up. I have more that I need to post, I’ll have to carve out some time to post those on my next day off.

Alright, well I’d best get to it! Happy Hopping!

W.Rabbit -out. (\ /)


Memory Lane


The Return of Wandrin’ Sam