
Life through my Lens

My first photo was of my parents on their wedding day. The second photo I remember taking was of a beautiful lady on a horse during a parade in Ensenada, Mexico in 1994. At some point along the line, I became obsessed with these amazing wonders called cameras and their ability to document within seconds the magic of life I saw happening in front of me. It’s like magic capturing magic, if you ask me. Albeit those first …thousand reels were maybe a little less up to par than the latter of them, but it was magic all the same as I grew with technology. I rarely envy our youth in their state of technological exposure. There are absolutely a few things that I would have LOVED to participate in, but everything else was all the more magic in the moment and in my everlasting memories than I think the distraction of technology would ever allow. I will never truly know the full difference between the two, but I’m forever grateful for what I got. Here’s a glimpse of my world through the camera lens. 📸❤