Ok Maybe Not-So-Daily

Well, let’s just call a spade a spade, here! I was ambitious in my endeavors to update The Hopper daily, even if just a small note of gratitude for my day or maybe a short list of accomplishments or new orders of business; but I’ve never been great at logging anything daily with the exception of my gratitude app on my phone. And even that consists of catch-up days where I have to remember what even happened three days ago. 😵‍💫 I’ll get there one day, if it is important enough to me - but today is not that day. Thusly, The Daily Hopper is now more accurately: The Hopper.

I made myself take a few days’ break from the site and the computer. I’m just so excited to put this all together, especially for my parents (hi, Mom and Dad!🙃), but I had spent way to many consecutive hours arranging and rearranging pages, checking endless links and creating photo albums to add. I think it paid off though and I’ve got the basics streamlined to where I can add more effortlessly and regularly from here on out. I did start scanning some photos and am awaiting some family photo albums to start on more - especially the first season of boat photos which I will share here as I scan and organize them. I’ll have them in a few days!

As for today, I think I’m going to see where things take me - I might go play in the desert and drive around a bit. The weather is fantastic right now and I want to take advantage of every last sip!

Wandrin’ Sam -out. ✌️

P.S. Don’t forget to have a good day. 🌻


Catching Up


Making Sense of Things