Welcome to the

Crew’s Quarters

I am chronicling mine and my parents' adventures sailing the Wandrin' Star back in the nineties in Mexico. We have photos, videos, journals, letters, stories, poems, all the goods to really put together an idea of what it was like for us experiencing some of the greatest days of our lives.

I want to pay tribute to my parents for their courage to branch out of the norm, to take off on a road not yet paved and for trusting themselves enough to figure things out as they went. I also really hope to set this up in a way that the grandkids can enjoy and get an idea of just how cool their grandparents are and to see a whole other side of them which they're maybe vaguely aware of. I know I have gained a whole new perspective learning about my grandparents and the whole lifetimes they lived before I ever came along.

All that being said, I am actively chronicling these, so please bear with me while I type out and load more memories and media daily. I'm figuring out how to set people up for notifications, too.

The main entries are from my mom's journals which noted our many excursions, mishaps and daily blessings. I have to say that my favorite part of this whole thing is not only reliving these things, but in seeing them through my mom's eyes! When we started out, she was only four years older than I am now, and I am relating to her in so many ways while also seeing sides of her I'm not sure I'd fully seen yet. I'm also learning new details about things which were previously out of the scope of my young perspective at the time.
I hope you enjoy this even a fraction as much as I am! Feel free to ask questions or share any memories you may have with us. 🥰

Catch some cruising vibes with some of our most played tunes from the time.


  • Our first year of cruising and the year our lives changed forever! This was a year of many firsts, the biggest storm we ever went through, and made what became arguably our closest and most lasting friendships from our sailing days. 🐰

  • Year two and loving it! We were SO ready to get back into all the fun of cruising life after “paying our dues” in the States earning some extra cash over the summer. 🐰

  • Year three! Our not-so-novice selves have really found our place down here! 🐰

  • Year four - we’re back for more! 🐰

  • In the works:
    Year 5. Still going strong. 🐰

  • Come back for:
    Year Six. Y2K 🐰

  • Eventually we’ll get to:
    Our final year and the hardest goodbye. 🐰

Check out the interactive map available above. You can click on each location for details of what we did there or liked about the place. I find it works best by clicking the 'full screen' icon at the top right to open up the full map.