December ‘00
*Additional notes may appear in italics after my mom’s initial journal entries.
A ladybug means you should check the comments at the bottom of the page to see what Mom has chimed in on after reading these!
December 1st, Friday
Worked on sanding most all day – 5th sunny, warn, no wind day in a row.
Mac and Carol, Venture Forth, came in, we all went to dinner at the little place up at the RV park here – good.
December 2, Saturday
San Carlos
I’m working on a new drop screen for the companionway – John is still sanding.
100% clouds today – even rained for 15 minutes or so around 3 pm.
Goon and Shine called, she is so big and uncomfortable now and still a month to go.
December 3, Sunday
8 am we left the dock – ventured out to Catch 22 Beach. Just after anchoring, Seager threw up a little.
It wasn’t even rough when we left the dock, Seager couldn’t figure out the world was going. We ran the new gen-set for 3 or 4 hours while using the electric sander. Samie worked along with us.
The wind was 10-20 and starting to shift around – so we came back into the dock at 3 pm. Venture Forth, Mac and Carol were headed out – they stayed.
Seager did use his matt to poop on – but he didn’t make it off the boat fast enough back at dock and went pee on the deck.
Thank God the sanding is all done!
December 13, Wednesday
John put all the cetol on and it looks wonderful. Should have done this years ago.
Stay in touch with Caleb most every week day with email. Peg didn’t have too many come to her baby shower, but then it was at Angie’s in Taylor – a drive for everyone. Her doc appointment yesterday – all is well, no dialating yet and he hasn’t dropped yet. She goes in once a week now.
Took Seager to the vet last Saturday to have his nails clipped. Since he tries to bite he tied his mouth up with gauze – but he still fought like hell. John got big scratch on his arm, vet got one on his back we think. And poor Seager was foaming at the mouth, pissed and pooped. I’ll never make him go through that again – I’ll drug him first.
December 14, Thursday
Jim and Gail, Priority, came in. They have a 28’ motor home now along with their boat.
December 17, Sunday
Mac and Carol, Venture Forth, came back.
Arturo has finally been working on Storm Haven getting painted. He has done beautiful work, but not sure he put the right color on the “house.”
Weather has stayed wonderful – not much in the way of wind.
John has been buys stripping the paint off of the decks.
Peggy’s baby, Drayden has dropped – guess she could go any day.
December 21, Thursday
Finally – Bob, Cynthia and Maggie are back.
Sure enough – Arturo has the paint reversed on the boat. Oh brother. So they will now buy more paint and wait for Arturo to repaint the house white also.
Good to have them back, they are staying in the guest house of some of their friends, Dave and Barbara Poulson over on the beach. Their son is working at Show Low High School.
Dec 23, Saturday
John got the 2 new trojan batteries in and part of the deck paint – Bob brought these goodies down.
December 24, Sunday
Nice calm and warm. Get together at Bob and Cyn’s for chips etc., then drove into town to watch the boat light parade and on to dinner at Bananas.
December 25, Monday
Samie opened her gifts. Seager had ripped the “lobster” from Cynthia within 5 minutes – boys.
Called Goon, Shine and Caleb, all’s well – she’s so ready to get the delivery over with. They ended up with 8-10 inches of snow.
Went to call Chelle, the phone was cut off! John was so mad. We went over and used Cynthia’s phone for a quickie to the girls – all’s well there, too.
Later in the day my mom called – but we still couldn’t get out.
For Christmas dinner everyone made a chicken dish and other goodies and we ate at the house Cynthia is staying in – out on the patio. The wind came up around noon – but we were protected.
Those presents were Bob and Cynthia, Storm Haven, Jim and Gail, Priority, Mac and Carol, Venture Forth, Nick and Tanice, Wylie May, Bert, Island Woman.
December 29, Friday
San Carlos
I’ve been saying this would be the day Drayden would be born. Goon has been having some contractions the last couple of days, but as of 7:30 pm – I was wrong.
I talked to Peggy earlier, the contractions have stopped, but she was in good spirits.
One of the gate guards here at Marina Real was killed last night. He was trying to catch a ride in there from San Carlos. We have picked him, Andre, up before. I guess he stepped out in the road to flag down one of the Mexican worker trucks and he was right in the sun. The driver never saw him. Bob and Cynthia came up just behind the truck and said the sun was right in their eyes. All of us here in the marina are going to take up a collection for his wife and family – 5 kids, the youngest one 15. He was the friendliest of all the guards, so sad.
December 31, Sunday
New Year’s Eve Pizza Hut pizza party at B&C house.
Jan 6, Saturday, 2001
San Carlos
Drayden James Rowell
12:04 pm
20 ¾ inches long
7lb 10oz
I was a nervous wreck before the day was over. I talked to Goon twice in the morning, she was getting real tired, I could tell. Called twice later, could not talk to her. Once in O.R. and no one could tell us anything. Finally got through to Sylvia and Shine called later.
Following is the email Caleb sent with details:
(Addressed to: KB7ZIK@K6IXA, which means we received this over the HAM radio. The information is relayed via morse code, then decoded to read like a regular email.)
“Well, I’m back to work! The baby is doing fine, with Mom in the hospital. They will most likely hold her till Tuesday. Well, here is a summary of what happened in case there are any confusions. Water was broke at 8:15 on the 5th, labor started right away. Early on the 6th she was still at 7, talked about checking her in an hour. If she had not dilated anymore, they would do a c-section. Came back in an hour and she was at 8. A few more hours, she came out at 9 to 10. Pushed for about 2 hours, no movement in the baby, just did not want to come down anymore. Got second opinion from Dr. Hunter. Took her to the O.R. at about 11:00. Gave her a big dose of epidural stuff, still did not numb her up, gave her more, still did not work. Put her under. Baby came out at 12:04. He had a bowel movement inside of Peg. They have to suck all the waste out of him, then put him on oxygen, and give him some antibiotics. They started him out at about 60% oxygen, then weened him down to 22% the same amount in normal air. Peg got the baby for the first time at about 7:00 pm on the 6th. They took her off of the heavy drugs yesterday, they are now giving her some others tuff for the pain. She is walking around a little. We had the baby all day yesterday, Daddy had to change his first ever diaper. Drayden is now feeding better, and hanging with Peg for today. Also, when he came out, he had a scraped, flat, red nose. It’s starting to go away, and regain its shape. His head also had a BIG dent in the back, with a big knot below it. That is also going away. He has big feet and his bottom lip is indented. Everyone said he’s a keeper, I’ll have to agree with them. Well, time to go back to work, I’ll be in tomorrow also, I’ll give you an update then. I have some film developed; I just have to scan it.”