November ‘99

*Additional notes may appear in italics after my mom’s initial journal entries.
A ladybug means you should check the comments at the bottom of the page to see what Mom has chimed in on after reading these!

November 1, Monday

Yes! We turned the corner – today they started putting new fiberglass ON the boat!


November 2, Tuesday

No workers today – it’s another one of their holidays. So we visited Bill, Trisha, also Pat and Mikey Speer’s, who are here to clean out their little trailer – they sold it.
Danielle called – her and Ben are expecting a baby the end of June – first of July! Cool.


November 4, Thursday

John and I went for a “sail” today, with Carl and Linda on Fido Pause, a 26’ boat. They are new to all this, so we went out just beyond the main bay and helped with the basics. No wind – Linda likes it that way, too. Neat people.
The workers have all the holes covered up now – she’s looking like she has a floatable bottom again.


November 8, Monday

Happy Bday Aunt Janice

On Saturday 6th, we went to dinner with Carl and Linda, Fido Pause, at the internet café – Willy, China Moon, and Bob, ?, also joined us. Very enjoyable and great food.
The boat bottom is going back pretty good.
It’s been getting breezy in the afternoons and it’s cool in the shade.
Samie tested in science (A) and grammar (B). She’s starting to get bored here in San Carlos and especially in the house.


November 17, Wednesday

The one side of the boat is almost done with the rebuild and ready for the barrier coat. John is thinking that we might be in the water around the 6th of December.
Bill and Trisha took us, Bruce and Jeannie Tilly (friends of theirs that are here year round) on a sunset cruise aboard Prime Time. It was perfect! It had been slightly foggy all day and made of a beautiful sunset. We even had a whale swimming along at the surface. Then we all had BBQ chicken at the Gibson’s. As always it was a hysterical evening. This time, John had put new cinders in Bill’s BBQ grill and Bill had black smoke billowing and very crispy on the outside chicken.


November 23, Tuesday

Well, Duane and Camille Smith and Bill’s mom, Velma drove in on Sunday – Cecil and Joann Berry came in on Monday – let the fun begin. It really is a fun group. Bill’s mom is 82 or something right there – and just a crack up!
Last night we spent a couple hours with them all, Samie too.
Barb and Steve, Blue Chablis, drove in yesterday for a few days.
Goon called this am, they are doing fine. She’s off the pill now, after trying different kinds and all making her sick. She’s gonna go into the at-home business of selling products like my sister Jo. Hope it works out.


November 24, Thursday
San Carlos

Had a nice Thanksgiving dinner with Bill and Trish Gibson, Duane and Camille Smith, Cecil and Joann Berry, Bill’s mom, Velma and 2 more couples.


November 25, Friday

Had dinner with Blue Chablis and Abientot.
Sure is nice to have cruising friends here – even thought they are going back to the States for a while.


December ‘99


October ‘99