Samie Kinney Samie Kinney

January ‘99

It all begins with an idea.

*Additional notes may appear in italics after my mom’s initial journal entries.
A ladybug means you should check the comments at the bottom of the page to see what Mom has chimed in on after reading these!

January 1, 1999 – Friday

Samie was through with school by 10 am. What a difference it makes when there are kids around that she wants to get together with.
We had Jeff and Kathy over for dinner.


January 2, Saturday
La Paz

Lazy day; cold, cloudy and 10k breeze.
Jeff, Kathy, John and I went up to The Penthouse to watch Az Cardinals beat the Dallas Cowboys, 20 to 7.


January 3, Sunday

John has been trying to match the paint to touch up where the ladder has rubbed down to the old brown. Getting the new seafoam to match the 2-year-old faded sea foam is proving to be a real back and forth project. At least the DuPont store is only 4 blocks straight up the road. Another day of football playoffs.


January 4, Monday

It is really rolly next to the dock and there is a good swell coming in – even the big ‘ole Scott Free is rocking and they don’t, usually. John has gotten a tour of that boat – he was impressed with the engine(s) room.
Kathy and I went to CCC. Another game at The Penthouse, while we visted with Lighten Up, Cindy and Baker. John found that Baker also grew up in Tucson. They had a lot in common.
15-18k, warm, lumpy. Danielle called to say hi.


January 5, Tuesday
La Paz

Rolly last night, blew 10-15k and up to 20-25k all day until around 4 pm when it calmed down to 10k again.
We paid for another 4 days dock-side, thank goodness. But like John says, one of those boats out there waltzing on a wind-blown hook is wishing we would get off the dock.
We have been STUCK in La Paz for almost 3 weeks now. Nothing unusual, it always happens. Time for the wind to lay down for a week so we can get down to La Cruz.


January 6,  Wednesday

It calmed down some today, but was cloudy and cool, so I baked cookies.
Goon called, she moved back to the mountain. She’s at her Granma Spear’s in Clay Springs for now. She says Caleb has decided not to go on his Mission, but hasn’t given her the ring yet because he can’t get up the nerve to tell his parents.


January 7, Thursday
La Paz

Calm, sunny morning – we should get out of here now, while we can. It stayed calm all day. I had a terrible headache all day – the bar is falling.
At sundown we had 5 frigate birds sitting on the line that runs between the main and mizzen.
The big boat, Scott Free left today for Barra – they figure 40 hours. Ha, too bad they can’t tow us behind.


January 8, Friday

Happy Birthday Danielle

We tried twice to call Danielle, she ended up getting ahold of us. She got her $9600 check for the settlement on the car wreck in ’96.
The frigate birds are making a shitty mess on the deck. Dpn’t know why all of a sudden they have invaded the marina?!
Beautiful, calm and warm! I had that headache again all night, bad enough that it made me throw up. What happy fish that made, I could hear them surround the boat.
The northers started at 1 am – 20-25k.


January 9, Saturday

It blew 15-20k all day, calmed down to 10k around sundown. Again with the headache.
We were gonna leave today.


January 10, Sunday

Calmer today, 10-15k northers are supposed to knock off for the next 5 days or so – let’s hope so.
John watched the Az Cardinals vs. Minnesota game – AZ lost.
Hunter Star and Free Run had cake for Samie leaving tomorrow. It’s really nice to hear what a near kid she is from so many others.
My head was ok today.


January 11, Monday
Los Muertos

Well, after 3 weeks, we finally got out of La Paz. Remember we only intended to stay 1 night! Oh well, the oil leak, fiberglass and 2 new batteries all got tended to. Abientot and their friend went out to the island – they don’t know if they’re gonna cross or not.
We left the dock at 8:15 am – weather looks good, light and variable for the next 5 days. The most we had today was 12k. The swells that were still in the Ceravo Channel were rolly though. We had some Just after we anchored, Craig, one of the linemen from NEC called to say he’s flying into P.V. on Saturday. We were anchored in Los Muertos at 5:15 pm.


January 12, Tuesdady
Baja to Mainland

Ok – weather is still looking light and variable for the next 5 days. 8:45 am we have the anchor up and are in flat seas, 5k of breeze on a 109° heading for the next 248 miles to Isla Isabela. It’s farther to La Cruz from Muertos than it was two years ago from Cabo to San Benedicto, Soccoro.
9:00 pm – The day was calm, flat, and 80°, but still cool in the shade and the 5k breeze. Currently – 0 wind, glassy sea and 68° and so it stayed all beautiful night. One freighter, one cruise ship and no sea life.


January 13, Wednesday
South to P.V., out in the middle

Still only 5 to 7k of breeze, mostly on the nose – glassy seas, no sea life. The radio skip has now been really long – we could hear San Carlos and Mazatlan. Once we got more or less south of Mazatlan and north of Isla Isabela, we had 10k NNE for ab while with a following sea.
Same within 2 iles of one cruise ship headed south and one headed north.


January 14, Thursday
La Cruz

At sun-up we are just about directly off of Chacala – getting close. The night skies have been so pretty with the stars so bright. The only moon is a crescent that rose around 3 am.
Once we rounded Punta Mita, the north breeze played with the sails at 10k. We came on in and anchored at 1:30 pm – 52 hours after leaving Los Muertos, Baja.
We talked to Jim and Kitty via radio – see them manaña. Saw Don and Judy, Loon, Harry and Ellen, Prelude.
Had dinner at Bob and Deann’s place, La Luna y Sol. Good Italian. Saw Blair; Rosa and Jena will be back Monday the 18th from Canada the last month.
I’m putting this braindead body to bed. – Oh, big ‘ole red tide coming in the bay.


January 15, Friday
La Cruz

It was December 14 when we left San Carlos and January 14 when we anchored here in La Cruz.  Of all that time, we were only on the hook 10 days – not to mention the 2 months in San Carlos Marina. Now, being on the hook in La Cruz feels pretty good – but I have gotten pretty used to having shore power. Microwave, hair dryer, curling iron, hot water anytime. We are also spoiled in being able to put up the cockpit canvas to keep the cool wind out. So it’s wonderful now, warm and all open. Reports from La Paz this a.m. were 40° - here it was 68°!! (84° afternoon.)
Jim and Kitty drove over today, they are in Nuevo Vallarta. They sold Summer Wind and are in the final stages of paperwork. They’ll sail her to Mazatlan, then truck her to Toronto, Canada. Woo, sad – but they plan to be back in a motorhome.
Samie stayed ashore with Tarn for a couple hours.


January 16, Saturday
La Cruz

It looked like the California coast here today – all overcast with a marine layer and calm.
We took a bus into P.V. Marina to bring Meghan, Shadowfox, back to spend the night. There is construction everywhere – roads and buildings.
John had to replace a burnt wire on the on the gen-set tonight. The first year he would panic if it quit – now he knows what to look for, no problem.
Shine called, he is now driving a truck for Pepsi making $8 an hour.


January 17, Sunday

Samie and Meghan spent the day on the boat being girls while we spent the day watching football games ashore.
Nice day, oh! I lost one of my crowns today.


January 18, Monday

Crai Blackburn from Navopache Electric is down here and called on the radio from Dos Felipes using “Wandrin’ Star – 451.” 451 is his radio # for NEC – good one. Him and his father-in-law came out for a bit.
Samie was at Tarn’s while John and I took the bus into Provanier to the dentis. She filled the tooth right next to the one that lost the crown and stuck the crown back on. Filling, $500 pesos ($50 U.S.), crown, $0.
Samie rented the movie Something About Mary – ok, I guess.
Goon called, Caleb still hasn’t told his parents he’s not going on a mission; they want to get married in August.


January 19, Tuesday

At 8 am, John brought Craig Blackburn, his wife Paula and her dad, Bill Beecroft out and we motor sailed out to the island. Paula’s mom, Jo, doesn’t like the water at all. We saw several humpback whales on the way out, so we headed in their direction. Got some pretty good video shots of one breaching and slapping their fins.
Craig and Paula were so excited – I’m glad we saw them. We anchored at Tres Marias in 10k of wind and kinda rolly. Craig, Bill and Samie all swam for a while. Samie was full of questions about Bill’s nephew, Clayton, who is 12. We never caught any fish. On the way back in, we had 10-15k and sailed for a bit – Craig even took the wheel. We anchored in the same spot at 3 pm. Later we took a bus out to Rancho Banderas (now that’s a scary ride) where they have time shares in a condo (nice) and Bill bought us dinner. By then there were no more busses running, so the condo van drove us back to La Cruz.
Enjoyable day.
Oh, found out that this month and March there will be 2 fill moons in those months. That hasn’t happened in the last 81 years. So, January 1st, 21st 1999 and March 2nd and 31st, 1999. This is known as a BLUE MOON. **This results in February having no full moon at all, and technically it’s called a double blue moon. The next time this would happen would be 2018**


January 20, Wednesday
La Cruz

Happy Bday Janelle

Lazy day – John has been jerry-jugging fuel out to top her off, may take a while after motoring 52 hours to get here. We all went ashore. Talked to Abientot, they are gonna stay on the Baja. Since we left, it hasn’t had too much wind like before. Such is life.
Danielle called, her and Ben are flying out Feb 9-14.


January 21, Thursday

Samie is studying and testing.
We went ashore for a bit. The breeze was a light 10k but out of the south all morning, so it was kinda bouncy. Mail call – took 3 weeks to get here this time. Rob and Grace, Nanamuk, are in Vancouver working – boat is still in Australia.
Arne and Janice, Renegade, are engaged after umpteen years. Samie watched the movie Armageddon at Dos Felipes, John visited – I stayed home and wrote letters.


January 22, Friday

Rosa gets back today!
Poor Craig is back at Navopache Electric today. Hopefully he tells Richard Flores to get their butts down here!
Samie is still doing tests. We went in to see Rosa, but she missed her flight and the next one didn’t get in until 7 pm, so we’ll see her tomorrow.
Beautiful day – 10k, 84°. The barometer is down 9 points today.


January 23, Saturday

Chelle called this a.m., her and Rick decided to get married on February 27th. We won’t be able to make it, but she’s gonna have Richard Flores give her away (good choice).
We finally got in to see Rosa, I’m so glad she’s back.
Blew 15-20k out of the bay. Tonight the wind is light and we are sitting sideways to the swell. It’s starting to feel like last year. There must have been some good storms in the northwest.


January 24, Sunday

Kirby and Suzie, Lena have a friend flying back to the States – so Samie and I sent several letters.
Goon called wanting to know where and when to come down.
Barb and Richard were supposed to call us with a date for them to come down – but haven’t yet.
Spent the afternoon at Cruise Quarters and finally had ribs – yum.
Calm morning – noon starts the 15-20k out of the bay – normal, calm night.
The Sea of Cortez finally calmed down again after 3 days of 30-40k at the anchorages where Blue Chablis and Abientot were.


January 25, Monday
La Cruz

We went into the dentist 1st thing to see if she, Gina, could fit Samie with a retainer and fix her underbite, but no. I didn’t really think so. It’s gonna be braces for her, too. Only her, I have no insurance on. We all went into town later. I’m so glad Rosa’s back. The swell was getting bigger today.
Calm and warm.


January 26, Tuesday

Normal day. John is still jerry-jugging fuel. Jim and Kitty, Summer Wind, are still in the marina working on their boat. I had 2 yams still from La Paz, so I fixed canied sweet potatoes, pork roast, potatoes and gravy. No special occasion except I wanted candied sweet potatoes. Yum. Calm 15k – warm 87°.


January 27, Wednesday

Another beautiful day, only it was cloudy.
Barb called today, her and Richard are flying out March 1st to 6th – cool!
Danielle also called, she’s coming Feb 9th.
We ran the engine for an hour to charge batteries. You need that every once in a while.
The Sea of Cortez around Isla Carmen had 35-45k today, it took a boat 4 hours to go 6 miles. Why anyone chooses to stay on the Baja in the winter is beyond us.


January 28, Thursday

Unusual day – 10 am, 18k from the west, died off, then 20k from the north at 10:30 until 2 pm or so. Then light and variable. Strange.
Samie rented My Giant which was good.


January 29, Friday

John finished a boat bottom that he started yesterday. It was really overgrown with barnacles. He broke 1 scraper and lost the new one he bought.
Normal weather.
Oh, Samie called up the boat Morning Star in the anchorage. These new people bought the boat from Wendy and Chelsea that we met last year.


January 30, Saturday

John and Samie went out for a day-sail to the islands on Kea Ora with Neal. They took out some tourists and were gone from 9:30 am to 4 pm. I thoroughly enjoyed the day by myself.
Jena is spending the night.


January 31, Sunday

We all went in to shore around noon, just hung out until Super Bowl. Not a very good game, Denver 34 / Atlanta Falcons 19.
Baker and Condy, Lighten Up, joined us for the evening. They came in around 8 pm last night – about on empty.
This is the 2nd full moon of the month. February will have no full moon and March will also have 2.
Oso was telling me tonight how much they all like John. He visits all the Cruise Quarters help every day and makes them laugh.

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Samie Kinney Samie Kinney

December ‘98

It all begins with an idea.

*Additional notes may appear in italics after my mom’s initial journal entries.
A ladybug means you should check the comments at the bottom of the page to see what Mom has chimed in on after reading these!

December 1, Tuesday

It was a slow, lazy day. Clouds moved in last night s another front is headed our way. It ended up being cool all day. John cleaned the water maker and got it all ready to go.
Around 2 pm we headed in to Gibson’s and town – I was gonna drive, but there were no breaks in the van. John put break fluid in and in real low gears we made it – John drove though. Tomorrow’s project is fix the breaks.


December 2, Wednesday

John got a ride back from Guaymas where he left the van to have the breaks fixed. They have to order a new master cylinder. Then he spent the morning building a compartment for a CD player that Steve, Blue Chablis, gave us.
Kathy and Jeff, Abo___, brought their laptop computer over for Samie to play some games on most of the day.
The wind started blow’en sometime last night and blew hard and cold all day. I baked cinnamon rolls to warm the place up.


December 3, Thursday
San Carlos


It started blow’en early again today. John worked on getting the tape deck and CD player again – CD works fine.
The van still isn’t done. John washed the decks down and she’s shin’en pretty. He also put lemon pledge on the isinglass for the cockpit canvas to shine them up. The bees really liked that sweet smell. For the most part the bees have not been around as much – but the flies are out in full force.


December 4, Friday

We had a light south breeze today and flat seas out there. We did get the van back today – new master cylinder and fix a tire that had a nail in it - $100 (U.S.).
We got stocked up and ready to head out tomorrow. We stopped by Gibson’s for a while then met them at the palapa for happy hour and on to Tequila’s for dinner – late night; it was 11 pm when we got home.


Ddecember 5, Saturday

Well, weather, of course, is not favorable this a.m., it’s breez’en up from the north early and cloudy. It was a real yuk of a day. Cold, 15-20k all day! I think everyone pretty much stayed down below today. John did this and that, Samie did some of her testing and I finished a book.
It’s baked chicken and rice tonight – if only to warm it up down below.


December 6, Sunday

Windy, windy – although it did calm down in the afternoon and all night and it was a little warmer. John waxed on the boat. Samie watched movies – John and I found Bill and Trish at Mike and Pat’s. We hung out there for a while. After dinner they all came over for a bit.
I put up the Christmas lights today. As long as we are dockside, I can have the Christmas spirit all the time.


December 7, Monday

Wind started early – cold. The weather reports per the HAM radio are 40k from the north on the La Paz – Mazatlan crossing. NO THANKS!! Snow in Alpine, even on the mountains around Phoenix and Tucson!
Bill and Trish left for Pinetop this morning.


December 8, Tuesday

We’ve been wondering where the Christina is these days.
This morning was calm and started to get slightly on the warm side – until the wind kicked in – AGAIN! The nasty ‘ole north wind is blowing all the cold stuff down here. I heard it was 38° for a low here at 7:30 am - 50° here and 55° in Mazatlan, so not a lot warmer there.
I’ve been doing all the cooking down below – pretty much impossible on the BBQ in the wind – besides, it warms it up down here.


December 9, Wednesday

Another 20-knot day!
John stays as busy as possible outside until it gets too cold. Then he stays busy down below. Today he was in the engine room changing the cable ties and cleaning all the wires and hoses – he is one bored guy.
We sure are thankful for the canvas that goes up around the cockpit. It’s keeping this nasty wind out – coming right at us from behind – and the sun warms it up ever so slightly. It gets up to 76° or so and is fairly nice. We call it our “Arizona room”.
We had Abientot, Jeff and Kathy and Steve, Blue Chablis over for happy hour.
Danielle called, all is well.


December 10, Thursday

It blew off and on all last night. Two years ago when we left San Carlos so late in the year – it was on the 10th. That year we managed to always move on calm enough days and then be stuck on anchor watch for 3 days. This year seems to have been blowing without any breaks in between.
Wow! John found a small space heater up under Samie’s bunk – it’s nice, warm and toasty in here. We have the entryway doors and splash boards up to keep the heat in and it is nice in here. Blew 20+ knots all afternoon, 7 pm and it’s down to 12k – for now.


December 11, Friday

It blew off and on during last night. BUT the day was beautiful! Very light 5k breeze and warm! Warm enough to wear shorts and no socks!! We are once again stocked up and ready to leave tomorrow.
Once while I was out soaking up the warm rays, a bee – also out by the dozens today – got me right on the throat.
It was nice enough to BBQ tonight, steak and also shrimp cocktail, yum.


December 12, Saturday

Ready again and still here! I swear this wind thing is getting real old! It blew off and on through the night – morning was calm and warm until around noon! 20+k and cold again. Some days we don’t even have to buy ice because the temps aren’t warm enough.
Roger and Dareon came across for the Baja today in 25-30k. Stop. They broke a reef line and did not have fun. Another boat left here headed south and blew out their main. Glad I’m tied to a dock.
I killed at least 40 flies down below today and that was with the entry way closed off.
Jeff and Kathy, Abientot and Steve, Blue Chablis and us went to Tequila’s for dinner.


December 13, Sunday

Once again – it looks like tomorrow! Where have I heard that before? It wasn’t too bad though, we went into Mike and Pat’s but I don’t think it got over 15 in the marina, so it should have calmed down out there some. The weather channel is showing goof through Wednesday – let’s hope.


December 14, Monday

Wow! We made it out of San Carlos! Cut those dock lines at 11:30 am. John left the van at Bill and Trisha’s house again this season. Abientot, Jeff and Kathy left with us. It was a light north for the remainder of the day, with a following – confused sea! I had such a bad headache that the sloppy seas made me lose my lunch several times! Wow, I don’t know how anyone that is always sea sick does that – it’s awful. At dark, the seas laid down some and the breeze switched off to a 10k southerly. Go figure a “noserly” going south!
I felt better by morning.


December 15, Tuesday
Agua Verde

We were just off of Isla Carmen at sun up – continued on around the north end and into Agua Verde; nice ride, but long. I always forget how long those overnight passages are. We anchored at 1:30 pm – 26 hours total. Had showers and sat in the 90° warm sunshine; felt wonderful!!
Jeff and Kathy came over for happy hour. Nice, quiet night.


Deccember 16, Wednesday

We left Agua Verde at 8 am headed for Evaristo or Isla San Francsisco, which ever. We had a light east – of all things. In the center of San Jose Channel, we only had 10k north – straight behind us – calm for there.
There is a low parked over the Yuma area – unusual for winter – which is keeping the northers at bay – OK by us!
Today was an 8-hour day, long but nice. We anchored at Isla San Francisco at 4:30 pm.
We left San Carlos with 3 bags of ice and will still have a half bag when we get to La Paz – that’s a first and a fast trip.
The only sea life we have seen at all was 4 or 5 of the big dolphins swimming under our bow – once again a beautiful highlight. Nice, peaceful night.


December 17, Thursday
La Paz

We left Isla San Fransisco at 7:30 am, made our way with 0-5k of breeze all the way into Marina Palmira, where we got fuel at 2:0 pm. 61 gallons, %586 pesos. We were anchored in La Paz at 3 pm. What an unusual experience – anchoring in here without 20-30k of wind blowing. How nice!
I called Rosa at Cruise Quarters – but she left today for Canada; talked to Blair.
We went into the Dock for dinner. Nice night.


December 18, Friday

Peaceful night. Light 10-12k north breeze, we waltzed a little, but not bad.
John worked on an oil leak while Samie and I did 3 loads of laundry.
Goon called; Dave, Dan’s twin, had another heart attack and surgery last Wednesday. She’s pretty upset. We have heard that Christina, Tom and crew are still in Mazatlan waiting for a part.


December 19, Saturday

This a.m. is calm as ever in La Paz (Bay of Peace). No wind to ruffle the surface and I can see the bottom 17 feet down.
Oh, last night there was a parade of lights, only 5 boats, but cool. Even though we’ve had the Christmas lights a while – don’t turn ‘em on at anchor – so Samie got out the other decorations and I got out the tree. It can ride in the drink holder just fine for the ride down to La Cruz and Christmas.
John worked on putting a fiberglass patch in the back bilge, where it had worn loose, I guess. He had patched it after the cutlass went out 2 years ago. So anyway, we were here in La Paz again. It doesn’t matter what it is – we always end up in La Paz longer than planned.
Samie went to shore to see Mia from Imoni (sp) that she met 2 years ago in La Cruz.
it was warm today as long as you stayed out of the breeze. Only 5k, but cold. I was so bored that I baked chocolate chip cookies. That’s bored for me!!


December 20, Sunday
La Paz

Well --- we are still in La Paz! We did leave at 6:45 am – even had dolphins in the channel going out. We were just entering the San Lorenzo Channel when Tom gave the weather forecast. A front is moving through tonight or tomorrow, then northerlies building all week. Our options were being stuck in Los Muertos or La Paz for Christmas. So we headed back to La Paz and had the hook back down at 11:45 am. Oh well – Jeff and Kathy, Abientot, will be here tomorrow – that’s good.
We just had the anchor down 10 minutes or so when Barb and Richard Flores called. It was so good to hear their voices – miss them a lot. They are going to the Valley to Jeremy’s for Christmas.
It only blew 10k, warm and cloudy.
There was another light parade tonight.


December 21, Monday
La Paz

Really cloudy all day today. Abientot came in today, they anchored for an hour, then went into a dock. John went to town to check in. I took Samie in to the Dock and she met Gabrial, Mutton Noir. They took the shuttle to Marina Palmira. Then, she shuttled back at 5 pm. John and I visited with Jeff and Kathy at the Dock for a while. Back on the boat around 2 pm, the wind picked up and the anchorage is waltzing. Four wonderful days in a peaceful bay was nice while it lasted. Two boats had anchored a little close and almost bumped up – 5 pm, the tide turned and we are now sitting with the wind and current in the same direction. At midnight, when it turns again – I sure do hope the wind is only 5k and not this 15-20k!!
Chelle called, they are going to Rick’s mom’s in Snowflake for Christmas. Talked to Schyler – miss him!
It blew 10-15k all night, but no more waltzing. John slept after about 10 pm – I was up until 2:30 am. Just a worry wart.


December 22, Tuesday

Still cloudy in the morning, but cleared out by afternoon. John was right yesterday when he guessed this was a low sitting over us. It sure is taking its sweet time to move on out. Frailes and Cerveo Channels had 40 plus knots yesterday – so glad we came back here. We were supposed to get on an end-tie today, but the huge boat is still there. The crew does have to leave tomorrow, though, to pick up the owner in Loreto. He’s Mexican and owns Isla Carmen.
John stays busy with anything he can find to do. Today he did the windows! Samie and I are bored crazy and pretty much at each other’s throats!
We did spend a couple hours at Abientot, on the bouncy dock. It’s blown 10-20k all day again.
John has the anchor watch alarm on the GPS turned on. It’s pretty cool – gives us a drawing of our waltzing. Didn’t know we moved that much.
One good thing about here – we left the flies and bees in San Carlos.


December 23, Wednesday
La Paz

No, this wind is not from a front or a low – it’s just a yucky ‘ole north blow. It was fairly calm – 10k until around 3 pm – and that blasted big power boat didn’t leave the dock until 4 pm – by then, it was blow’en 20k. At least it was sunny.
Samie spent a few hours – after school – in at Abientot. Her and I are really at each other.
It blew all night long.


December 24, Thursday

Christmas Eve – and we’re all trying to make the best of being on the anchor – when there’s an empty dock waiting. It’s howling at 20-25k today, how pleasant! Ha! Ha! – or should that be, Ho, Ho, Ho!
Bill and Trisha Gibson called; no snow and no business at the restaurant.
Samie and I went to CCC with Jeff and Kathy this a.m. I had to get off the boat before I went nuts. We found canned ham for dinner tomorrow. I still have yams frfom San Carlos – so we’ll get candied sweet potatoes. I truly hope we are dockside for that. Although they are predicting this 20-30k for the next 2 or 3 days – oh, lovely! Cold and cloudy, too. Not too bad through the night, but I couldn’t sleep very well.


December 25, Friday
La Paz

Merry Christmas

It was an off and on morning – 10k then 20-25k within 5 minutes. We let Samie open her gifts about 9 am. We finally decided to go for it (the dock) – engine won’t start. So, start the gen-set, change battery, start engine! We ran it for 40 minutes or so and finally hauled in the anchor. John has learned to do amazing things with the boat and marinas. We are tied to the outside dock. With the wind 20-25k and the strong tide both going against us (in our face), we slid right in. It was a little tense when the front line came untied from the boat, but we got it back ok.
Next, the spring line came off the boat, easy enough to grab again. Jeff, Kathy and the 2 fellows on the tri in front of us helped grab our lines. It is rougher here than on the hook, but don’t have to be on watch. John washed the boat down – Samie watched cable T.V. I started the candied sweet potatoes on their slow cook.
Jeff and Kathy came over for dinner at 3 pm – ham, 2 kinds of potatoes, broccoli, homemade rolls and cookies. Best Christmas dinner since we’ve been down here.
The wind finally calmed down to 5-10k around 4 pm and stayed calm all night.


December 26, Saturday

Man, did I ever sleep good last night! John adjusted the valves and retorqued the head. Samie, Kathy and I walked down town so Samie could spend some of her Christmas money, $400 pesos. She bought a dress, hat and nail polish, which all were on sale. The wind only got up to 15-18k a couple hours in the afternoon. The 5 of us walked up town for ice cream after dinner.
We called Schyler, he got a puppy for Christmas, named her Pouy. He was trying to say Feliz Navidad, so cute. Miss that kid!


December 27, Sunday

It was calm all morning, the tide went slack at 11 am, so we moved the boat again. We can stay here as long as we need or want. Right after we moved, the wind kicked up 15k.
Jeff, Kathy, John and I tried to find a T.V. with the Az Cardinals game on – no luck.
The days lately have been warm at 84°, but the nights are a cool 55°.


December 28, Monday

John replaced 2 bad batteries today, $265 U.S.
Not much else went on today. 15-20k here, Partida had gusts to 45k.


December 29 30, Wednesday
- Somewhere I missed a day. –

John changed the oil, we went up to The Penthouse for burgers, beers and the Holiday Bowl game – U of A 23 / Nebraska 20, although we didn’t watch the game that closely, we were visiting.


December 31, Thursday

John polished this and that. He fixed a shrimp cocktail for the last 1998 sunset.
Jeff and Kathy brought her mom and dad by to see our boat.
Beautiful, warm, calm day.

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Samie Kinney Samie Kinney

November ‘98

It all begins with an idea.

*Additional notes may appear in italics after my mom’s initial journal entries.
A ladybug means you should check the comments at the bottom of the page to see what Mom has chimed in on after reading these!

November 1, Sunday

We’re having those nasty Northers – calm mornings – but 15-20k all afternoon and a better part of the night.
John and Jeff got the engine together – but the crank shaft won’t turn. The holes don’t line up right – so they took it apart again. Not good, but not sure of the next step.


November 2, Monday

John took the engine back to Daniel – or in Español, Danielle – he says don’t worry, he’ll fix it.


November 3, Tuesday
San Carlos

Engine is still not done, Daniel says the crank shaft has always been too big and he’s line drilling it all out  slowly – John’s worried.
He had a part welded at some shop in Guaymas today – when he asked how much, they (all Mexican, no English) brought out a coke can and said “tres” – so John went to buy them 3 Cokes! – Ah, Mexico!
Tom, Christina, checked out for tomorrow – but tonight when he started up the engine, it was blow’en smoke out the exhaust and racing the RPMs. The kill switch wouldn’t work – he finally cut off the air somehow. It was pretty scary there for a while.
He had the crank-case oil full of diesel – now he has to figure out why and how to fix it.
We went by Bill and Trisha’s for a while. Sure enjoy their company.
Danielle called, in another month of so, she should finally have the settlement from the car wreck in CA, September of ’96. She’ll get around $9,600.


November 4, Wednesday

John went into Guaymas to get the engine – Daniel has got it all like new. He took it over to Jeff’s shop at Dry Storage to clean it all up and paint. It’s now white.


November 5, Thursday

Tom, Christina, got his engine problem fixed, the seal on the fuel pump had rotted away over the summer and diesel had leaked into the crank-case oil. No one can figure out why he didn’t check the oil before he started it up! Anyway, they went to leave at 4 pm or so, but the tide was so low, he was sitting on the bottom!
It was 9 pm when they pulled out of the slip – but another half hour before he called to say they made it out of the entrance. You got it – he grounded going out, he draws 7 feet. I felt really bad for Val and C.J. – Tom never even took them out for a shake-down or anything. At least they had a nearly full moon. Even though it was colder than hell tonight.


November 6, Friday

John had a group of guys over to help him get the engine back into the boat this a.m. – I sat at the far end of the dock where I could not see any of the process! I had made myself sick worrying when they took it out! Anyway, tonight it is in and attached to the transmission. Still a lot to put back together tomorrow. We went out for pizza at Jax Snax – not as good as last year.
It was windy from the east in the a.m. – then turn nice, warm and no breeze.


November 7, Saturday

John worked all day on getting the engine back together. He did have to drive in to Guaymas to have a bolt made though. I’m really proud of him – getting it all together and no cussing!
Samie has a “bug” today, not feeling too good. We haven’t done school the last 2 days. It’s too hard when John needs my help.
Bill and Trish came by and, of course, as usual, we only have Corona and very few! They did hang around for a while though – Jeff came by and helped set the timing.
It was calm and warm again today – love it.


November 8, Sunday

Happy B-day Janice.

Samie was yucky all last night, the shits and a fever. Neither one of us slept too well. She ran a fever of 102° today – but was pretty much ok by 8 pm.
John worked again all day in the engine room and voilá, at 3:43 pm she fired up!! He ran it for half an hour for today. Another beautiful and calm day.


November 9, Monday

We worked all day on getting things back together. Got the loose valve fixed – got the floor on – the hard part was figuring out the wheel housing and all the gears and lines. We had to take it apart and start again – not an easy process. As I was pulling up the compass line, I snagged the clip that holds the steering chains together, so we have to take it apart again tomorrow.
John’s still trying to figure out what’s wrong with the oil pressure gauge.
Samie felt fine today. Barb and Steve, Blue Chablis, came over for happy hour.
The a.m. was nice, but cloudy, it got windy in the afternoon – 8 pm it’s still breezy and cool.
Oh – Brent said it was snowing pretty hard in Alpine this a.m.


November 10, Tuesday

John changed the oil cooler on the transmission and got the steering cable, wheel-housing and compass all put together.
Samie was his helper this a.m. – I was in bed not feeling so good.
He ran the engine about an hour and a half. Bueno!


November 11, Wednesday

John worked on the oil pressure gauge – finally got it fixed. It was the sending unit and the gauge itself. He sprayed down the boat, she’s pretty and clean now. We also hooked the steering cable back up.
Samie and I got back to school – NOT TO HER LIKING!
Cold morning, 44°, but a beautiful day, 82° and no wind.


November 12, Thursday

John took off the elbow to the salt water part of the exhaust – it has a crack. One more thing – he took it in to Hernandez to weld, what he did was melt bronze all over it, then John covered that with epoxy. But he’s gonna try and get a new one.
It blew like stink all day – up to 25k in the afternoon - 80°.
Bill and Trisha were supposed to meet us for dinner at Manuel’s Chicken. Can’t wait to hear this story as to why they never made it – something goes haywire every time it involves chicken!
Goon called, she most likely has a job in the Valley at Earnhardt Ford. If that’s the case, she’ll move down and live with Caleb and his brother and sister-in-law, Ben and Janice. She sounded happy!


November 13, Friday
San Carlos

Ah, Friday the 13th – nice day, other than the wind howled at 25k and the bar dropped 6 points.
John put the exhaust elbow back on – it’s fine for now, but he ordered a new one. We ran the engine for an hour in the slip.


November 14, Saturday

John dove on the boat bottom and propeller enough to get around to anchor before we haul out. Ran the engine again for one and a half hours, cleaned the boat up and made her ready to go out tomorrow. John and I went with Bill and Trisha to Manuel’s for chicken – as good as ever. Samie is at the age where she stays home a lot.
Wind blew again, 20-25k.


November 15, Sunday

It finally calmed down around 10 pm last night. We pulled out of Marina Real at 7:15 am and headed around to the main anchorage. It was a little sloppy, but not bad at all. It is a hard bottom over here and took a while to set the anchor – finally at 9:15 am. John dove the bottom and got it really good for tomorrow.
Bill and Trish took us to get the van. We had burgers at Jeff and Hilda’s. Nice day today, only a breeze here. John was so tired he was asleep at 6:15 pm.


November 16, Monday

It was as calm last night as being tied to the dock.
Samie took John to Bill’s to get the van, which he drove around to the haul-out ramp. Then she took the dink around and picked him up. We took the boat over to haul out at 8:30 am.
Samie and I took the cold stuff from the fridge in the dink, back around to Bill’s and carried it all over to his mom’s house – that he is so kind to let us stay in again. John worked at wet-sanding down the boat all day. He says next year we will have to leave her out on the hard for sure – she’s got several blisters all the way down.
Samie and I rode into town with Trish – then we all ate a wonderful prime rib dinner over there.


November 17, Tuesday

Samie and I are bored in the house – such a big house, no T.V.
John worked on the boat bottom.


November 18, Wednesday

The boat went back in the water at 9, we came back around to Marina Real in no wind and flat seas.
I’ve got everything put away, Samie went up to the pool for a cold dip.
It’s calm and warm – beautiful!


November 19, Thursday

John got a demo GPS at Skip Randal’s Marine Mart – ours has given it up – for some reason it won’t work either, so he took it back and is looking at having one shipped.
It was a warm day until the wind started blow’en from the north around 4 pm.
Samie sprayed some perfume this a.m. and brought in several bees! I killed one on her bed, got rid of him, but later my finger found his stinger still in the bed, ouch!
I spent about a half hour with James from Deva, he is a physiotherapist and works with anxiety and panic disorders. He showed me a very simple procedure that, like magic, gets the panic under control and gets your past it. What we worked on was my driving. I drove from the marina to the far end of town and back. I did have to pull over twice and repeat the procedure, but I did it!! It felt so good and so free!!
John worked on the floor in the bathroom all day. He built a new floor under the toilet. We are using a bucket until he finishes up tomorrow – oh, he finished it up tonight.

November 20, Friday

It started blow’en early today and continued into the night, 20-25k – yuk and cold!
John and I went into Juan’s Fruitaria (I drove again) and got 12 steaks, 12 pork chops and fiesta mix to put in the freezer. We drove over to Gibson’s for a bit.


November 21, Saturday

Not much went on today – John was at Prime Time all morning trying to hook up an inverter for Bill. It sorta went haywire though.
Us girls skipped school. Samie has been watching a lot of VCR movies every day – once again, I’m getting tired of T.V.
Windy again.


November 22, Sunday

Beautiful day – calm and warm sunshine.
John and John from Telitha tried to get our shaft re-aligned, but couldn’t get it – Jeff will come over tomorrow.
We went over to Bill and Trisha’s for a couple of beers – Cecil and JoAnn flew down from the mountain today – also, Mike and Pat Speers (from Lion’s Den) were there. Laughed my head off.


November 23, Monday

Happy Bday Deb

We drove into Guaymas this a.m. to see if we could turn in our FM3s for a VISA – Hilda went with us – but it didn’t help, Immigration said we have to drive to the border to do that.
John fixed the toilet and both the shower and kitchen faucets.
Another calm day.
So, early tomorrow we’ll drive to Nogales and back. Oh, what fun!


November 24, Tuesday

What a day! We left the boat at 4:30 am, headed for Nogales – it was a 10.5 hour trip up and back to get a VISA that will be good until May when we go back to work. No problems, thank goodness – lots of trucks – we got back to the boat at 3:30 pm – long day.
We stopped at Mike and Pat Speers, Bill, Trish, JoAnn and Cecil were all there. Then we, along with Steve, Blue Chablis went with us to Tequila’s for dinner.
Barb had to fly from Tucson to Chicago to their daughter’s for a while.
Oh, we had a visitor today while we were gone. We didn’t lock up the boat, but the hatches were down and the cockpit canvas snapped down. There were little bird droppings all over in the cockpit. I guess he came in through the windows on the dodger – thank goodness we found NONE down below.


November 25, Wednesday

Shine called this a.m., all is well with him. He’s spending Turkey Day at Duke and Ava’s with the Spears.
John went into San Carlos to check out – so anytime after Friday, we can leave and get this cruising life on the road.
We got the new exhaust elbow in – the tax or duty on it alone was $93 U.S. John got that put on today.
We drove downtown to find Tony, the veggie guy, so I could buy all the fixings for the salad tomorrow. Tony does a real bang-up business.
it was nice (84°) until around 4 pm when the north wind turned cold.
We had a chicken BBQ at Gibson’s, also Cecil and JoAnn, Mike, Pat, Jack and Parker. Nice time, great food.


November 26, Thursday

The weather was beautiful all day!
It was a lazy day.
The Deo gang came by, Lyle, Tony and Dana – they crought our GPS down. We had to have a new one – another WOW, money-wise - $700 U.S., but necessary. This one has the built-in charts on the screen.
At 4 pm was the cruiser’s Turkey dinner at the palapa by the condos. Ema and Dario, who run the marina, provided the turkey and dressing – the cruisers brought all the other fixings. Anyone staying in the marina was free and it was only $5 (U.S.) to anyone else. It was all very nice.
Danielle called – her car is finally fixed, new motor for $1,900.


November 27, Friday

It was cloudy and a cold breeze blowing this a.m.
John got the GPS hooked up and is learning to operate it. We bought the burger (5 kilos, 10 meals), chicken (6 meals), bacon (10 packs), along with a bunch of other odds and ends – only $45 U.S. The 12 steaks and 12 pork chops last week were only $34 U.S. I hate to even think what that would be in the States.
We went over ti Bill and Linda Pyle’s in the trailer park for a burger fry along with the Deos and several others. They have a beautiful view from up there.
Oh, today it was so cool – a “ribbon” of fog came rolling over the road that goes up to the look-out. It was just streaming up and over from the anchorage on the other side.


November 28, Saturday

The reports on the volcano 70 miles from Manzanillo  are that it did spit out a little lava and ash, but calmed down again. They say to watch out because it has been dormant for 4,000 years and if it blows, it will be really powerful.
The Deo gang came by for a little while.
It was a strange weather day – cloudy and cool. A front was supposed to go through and give us some rain.


November 29, Sunday

It did sprinkle a little last night and started blow’en around midnight as the front passed over .John said it blew 20-25k. Funny how he was awake and I slept through it. Tied to the dock I’m fine – now 20-25k at anchor, I’m awake and John sleeps through it!!
The Gibsons were up at 3 am watching Prime Time Chico out in the bay at their house. I guess it drug anchor some.
Cecil and JoAnn had to fly back to Pinetop – well, Phoenix and drive home – today.
John helped Bill re-anchor Chico. It was breezy and cool today – 7 pm and it’s cold and still blow’en 10-15k.
I faxed Rosa today in La Cruz – she faxed back that she has to fly to Canada December 17 to January 18th to be with family, said so many of them were either sick or dying.
Samie woke up with the pukes today.


November 30, Monday

We took the boat into the bay for a short hop this a.m. We wanted to run the engine up and make sure the prop was aligned right. It was pretty rolly with white caps. We were back at the dock in about an hour, then John and I did the Lays run - $1,700 pesos, and we filled both propane tanks, $43 pesos. In front of Leys, they had real pine Christmas trees – smelled good. Inside the store, they were playing Christmas tunes, in Spanish, but the tune is the same.
Bill and Trish came over for dinner, I cooked up a pot of beans and John BBQed some great T-Bones. Bill got a real good chuckle when John dropped the new tongs – just bought today – overboard while turning the steak!!
It sure is nice having them in San Carlos when we’re here. Hopefully they can meet us in La Paz and anchor hop north with us in April. Nice day, 82° - light breeze.

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Samie Kinney Samie Kinney

October ‘98

It all begins with an idea.

*Additional notes may appear in italics after my mom’s initial journal entries.
A ladybug means you should check the comments at the bottom of the page to see what Mom has chimed in on after reading these!

October 19, Looking back –

October 16, Friday – We managed to get through the last day of work for ’98. It turned real cold again and looked like it could snow – which it did in Flagstaff and Holbrook.
We left Lakeside at 5:30 pm with Tom Pearson, Christina, and his new girlfriend, Val following. Val’s daughter C.J. rode with us. We looked like the “Beverly Hillbillies” headed off the mountain. When we left Globe, headed for Tucson, Tom missed a turn – he ended up about an hour behind us. We left C.J. with them for the night, they stayed at a motel in town – we went on to John and Maryann’s. It was midnight before we got to bed.

October 17, Saturday – Just as we were leaving Muir’s, Tom called from Tucson – someone stole Val’s dog – they said go ahead, they were gonna look around. We got to the border about 8:30 am, the first stop let us go on by. At KM21, we got our FM3s stamped at the check point. They made us unload 5 boxes – looked through those and rummaged around in the van. They even wanted to know how much money we had. Somewhat of a hassle, but not too bad. Come to find out they were making all the others that are already here do the same. Ok, so now we’re clear to go – battery is dead. So we have to push the van out of the stall and out of the way. Another American gave us a jump, so it was around 10:30 when we were finally on our way. It was smooth going after that, although we did stop while Miss Daisy (who we met at the border) stopped to change a tire on the trailer they were pulling the boat on. We pulled into Bill and Trish Gibson’s at 3 pm, visited a while – no real breeze blowin’ there – but at the marina, 25-30 knots. We cleared out the good ‘ole Wandrin’ Star and unloaded the can. Worked at that a few hours, then went to the Gibson’s and all on to Tequila’s for a great dinner. I think it was around 9 pm when we got back – slept like babies tonight.
So good to be home.

October 17, Sunday – I smiled all day as I moved back in. Tom, Val and CJ made it in last night around 10 pm. They never found the dog – they had to unload everything at the border and pay $200 U.S.

October 19, Monday – I woke up at 7:45 and loved it – Monday morning and I wasn’t at work!
We got the sails up – I cleaned out all the gally cupboards and got rid of stuff that I hadn’t used.
John got the BBQ on – Samie cleaned and put away in her room until 3 pm when her and CJ went to the pool.
Hurricane Lester down below P.V. is still moving north. Hurricane Madaline was supposed to hit Mazatlan today, but turned west and is headed up the Sea.


October 20, Tuesday

Hurricane Madeline fizzled out completely – Lester is currently heading west.
John took apart the engine as much as he can – the rest will be lifted out. I did more deep-cleaning and rearranging.
No real wind today, only an occasional breeze – it was 95° and muggy – I loved it. Samie and cJ have been to the pool every day and are tanning right up.
Val and Tom got a message to call her sister – they found the dog, her mom has him in Tucson.


October 21, Wednesday

John has taken apart the engine – as far as it goes by pieces. He started to take the binacall (?) apart. I think I’m through emptying and cleaning all the cupboards – except Samie’s room. In a couple more days we’ll have to get school started.
Bill and Trish came by for a bit. It was 92° and muggy as all get out.
Tom, Val and CJ left to drive to Tucson to get her dog.


October 22, Thursday

John got the floor of the cockpit off today. Getting all the bolts out was the hardest, next he found some lumber and a jack so he could jack it up and pop the glue loose. So for now, we have a huge hole in the floor – no cockpit.
Samie and I were bored all day – CJ didn’t get back until around 7 pm.
It was another scorcher today – I saw 96° and very humid. LOVE IT!!


October 23, Friday

John got the engine out of the boat and on the dock. It really had me worried with in dangling from a wooden bar across the cockpit. They hoisted it up with a come-along and it took 5 guys to get it maneuvered onto a plank and slide it off onto the dock. It all looked pretty scary to me.
To celebrate we (Samie stayed here on the boat) went with Bill, Trish, Parker, Jack, Pat and Bill to the palapa for happy hour. We had such a great time; the music was good enough to make me even get out there and dance. In fact, I had too much fun – I was tired and droopy all day Saturday.


October 24, Saturday

John got the engine hauled over to Jeff’s shop – he spent the day cleaning parts and painting it all white this time. I drooped all day – Samie and CJ spent time at the pool.
We’re gonna have to get school going.


October 25, Sunday

John cleaned in the engine room all day – getting at all the otherwise hard-to-get-at places. It sure looks funny and empty.
Bill and Trish came by in their little boat.
It got up to 104° - no breeze and hotter than hell!
But I’d rather be here than on the mountain where it was supposed to snow.


October 26, Monday

John found out we need different bearings for the engine than we ordered. Abiento, Jim and Kathy are driving to Mesa, so we’ll have them shipped and they can bring down the right ones.
It was overcast and cooler all day, even got a few sprinkles in the evening. Brent said in Alpine it has rained for 3 days.
I went up to the new laundromat they have at the trailer park behind the condos. Very nice - $10 pesos (or $1 U.S.) per load, wash and dry, each. It would have been cheaper to take it into town and have it done.


October 27, Tuesday
San Carlos

Samie and I got school started today. I think shew as actually glad to have something to fill her morning.
C.J. has not wanted to go to the pool the last 2 days – so Samie’s been hang’en alone.
We are going to Bill and Trish’s for burgers.
John had to buy a new battery for the van.


October 28, Wednesday

Heard Steve and Molly on the radio – but they couldn’t hear us. They are in San Diego; he’s driving trucks now.
John worked on the floor of the cockpit – scraping off all the old clue and retaping all the insulation.
Samie and C.J. did spend an hour at the pool.
We bought 3 1” thick New York steaks – all for only $63 pesos or $6.30 in the States it would be $6 each!


October 29 – Thursday

John went into Guaymas to the machine shop and found that in the original parts sent, some of the bearings were too big. So – he made a trip north of the border. Tom followed along in his car – he left it in Tucson and his daughter can go get it. They left here at 1:30 pm and stayed at John and Maryann’s.
I called Chelle, she’s feeling down since she lost the baby.
Samie and I watched a couple of movies. It started blow’en around 11 pm and blew all night, 10-20k. The bar had dropped 5 points. This boat really rocks around now without the weight of the engine to stabilize her.


October 30, Friday

The wind blew a cold front through all day, it was cool enough that I baked cookies this a.m.
John and Tom made it back at 3 pm with all the right parts.


October 31, Saturday

Happy Halloween.

The machine shop has the engine all done – John picked it up, now he and Jeff will put it together tomorrow. There was a Halloween party – snacks and some costumes up at the palapa – fun.

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