Summer ‘97

*Additional notes may appear in italics after my mom’s initial journal entries.
A ladybug means you should check the comments at the bottom of the page to see what Mom has chimed in on after reading these!

May 1, Thursday

John pickled the water maker.
I think – I hope – we found that leak that always gets the cupboards in Samie’s room wet! I emptied everything and watched while John sprayed it with the hose. The caulking around the cap-rail is old and cracked, so that MUST be where the water sneaks in. So we scraped it all out with a small screwdriver. Not an easy job. John stuck the screw driver in his hand twice. I scraped my knuckles, have a blister on my left hand and my right wrist really hurts from the little twisting and pushing I did with it.
Barely heard Tom, Island Trader on the 4.015 net – he is 1,000 miles out.



May 2, Friday

Today was the caulking job, replacing the old stuff that we pulled out yesterday. John did all of that, but I taped it off. Samie went up to Emma’s condo for an art lesson in water colors and learned a few tricks of the trade. We went to Manuel’s Chicken for dinner, then stopped of at Jeff and Hilda’s for a visit and to drop off the toys and clothes, etc.  

*Yay, Emma! She invited me over for all kinds of lessons! Watercolor painting, synchronized swimming, and one day we made fresh, homemade pasta! I think it was lasagna. Mom remembers them being from Austria, I remember something about Brazil… Maybe Dario was from Brazil and Emma from Austria? Either way, we really enjoyed their company. I think Dario was in charge of the condos there in the marina, were they lived.

May 3, Friday

Happy B-day Janet.

John waxed and polished the boat and equalized the batteries. The wind was calm today, so we took the boat over and got fuel. There’s still a lot to do – but the time here in Mexico is all too fast coming to a close and it’s so depressing.


May 4, Sunday

John sanded down and re-teaked all the wood floor grates. Then he changed the oil in the gen-set and shut it all down. It may seem like I don’t do much of the work around here – but Samie and I are getting as much school done as we can and I do all the little things inside getting ready to go.
Jeff, Hilda and the kids came over for a BBQ rib dinner – nice evening.


May 5, Monday

Happy B-day #2 Schyler!

Our day wasn’t a real smooth one today, especially for John. He was changing the transmission oil and the end of the funnel hose fell off in the transmission. We tried everything to fish it out, but it was impossible. At first he thought we’d have to pull it out and disassemble it, which would mean taking the lid out of the cockpit, lifting the engine to get to the transmission – major 3-day project. After looking at the manuals and talking to a couple of mechanics, it’s probably ok and won’t hurt anything. Then he cleaned the exhaust and when replacing the gaskets, he cut 2 extra holes, therefore all the antifreeze and water drained out of the radiator when we ran the engine – at one point it wouldn’t even turn over; acted like it was froze up! It was a bitch of a day!
Lee and Glo, Papagayo, came across from Concepcion last night, they anchored in the main bay for now. They drove over to check prices out here and came by.
We called Schyler for his birthday, he is so cute on the phone with his “I love you.” Danielle starts her new job at Bank One in 2 weeks.
Today was 90° by 8 am, then the breeze picked up and it dropped to 80°.

*I believe the marina prices were usually cheaper out in Marina Real than San Carlos Marina, and only 10 minutes away and less crowded/busy. Better conditions when you’re about to leave the boat at dock for a few months.


May 6, Tuesday

Brent – OAH – in Alpine said it was 78° there and the lows are still in the chilly 40s.
Today went smoother than yesterday. John changed those gaskets and all is well. He scrubbed down the engine room – spick and span shiny. We deflated the kayak. That doesn’t sound like much, but it was a busy day.
We drove over to San Carlos Marina and went to dinner at Tequila’s with Lee and Glo.


May 7, Wednesday

Samie and I were both awake and up at 4 am – the pits. Samie had a nap, but not me, I drug on through.
John and Lee went into Guaymas to get the air conditioning fixed. He tried to do a compression check on the engine, but the part was the wrong size, so that was a no-go. We’re getting close to being done – bummer.
Jeff just called, he was flying with Ed Grossman in Ed’s plane – they lost the engine and they had a cross-wind. The plane dropped about 150 feet. They are ok, but have real sore backs and Jeff can’t see out of one eye. I’ll bet Hilda doesn’t let him buy a plane now!

*Oh wow, I don’t remember this story about the plane! How scary - I’m glad they were ok and wonder if Jeff’s eye went back to normal??


May 8, Thursday

Another busy, busy, hot, humid day. Took the dink apart, defrosted the fridge/freezer and so much more. First thing this a.m. John and Lee went diving. John is really into the hookah, so we’ll have one next year. Talked to Jim on Summer Wind in Mazatlan. We should see them in Az, also Steve and Molly from Star Song.
We went to Piccolo’s for dinner with Lee and Glo.
We are so tired and depressed.

*Yeah, what a quick transition for us that year! Usually we would be in San Carlos a bit longer before heading to Az, but this year we sure were on a bee-line to the States. Handling it quick like a band-aid, I suppose.


May 9, Friday

We got busy early and finally finished everything up and pulled away from Marina San Carlos at noon. Unfortunately, we left in the van and not on the boat. Every year it’s just as hard to leave as the year before. We stopped at Hilda’s to say goodbye – down the road just a bit, the police pulled us over and hassled us over the car tag for Mexico being expired. John finally got across that the customs people had said as long as our VISAs are still good, so is the car. He said to meet him at the police station in an hour! John says – just let me pay you the fine so we could be on our way – ok, $100 pesos – the cop kept it as a “speeding ticket” since the tags were ok! Mexico!
Then we stopped at the work yard to see Jeff and our battery was dead! Jeff jumped it and we let it run while we had lunch at Rosa’s. It was 2:15 pm before we ever got out of San Carlos. It was a pleasant ride, but long. At the border, we had to stop for a quick “look-see” but no problem.
It was 8 pm when we got to John and Maryann’s. Then we drove into Green Valley to Pizza Hut for dinner. I hadn’t slept very well for the last 3 or 4 days – but slept like a baby tonight.

*What a day for heading home! I’ll bet we all slept well that night. John and Maryann’s was always quite cozy, as I recall. They have a beautiful dome home which I always liked.


May 10, Saturday

We left Maryann’s at 8 am, stopped for something to eat at a Carl’s Jr - $12 bucks – unreal! Anyway, we got to Jacque and Danielle’s and visited. We can stay in the trailer again. Samie stayed with Danielle when we went to Mom’s. They came over later with Mother’s Day cards and gifts. Danielle brought me a bouquet of flowers and my own “sailing mug.” Samie got me a cute little treasure box of sorts. They also picked up something for Grandma and Rane.
Danielle stayed for dinner – Janet, Andy and kids came over. Cade is 8 months and the cutest thing.
Oh, around 5 pm, we watched as a dust storm appeared. It was an amazing wall of brown dust that you could see moving, but we had no wind until the dust was on us. It was pretty weird to watch.

*Well, there’s some inflation for ya! That $12 was for all three of us and definitely included at least one drink and one or two orders of fries. For reference - a basic, single-patty burger, fries and drink combo from Carl’s Jr. now costs $10.79 as of Sept, 2024. I think I even remember this stop, maybe because Carl’s Jr. wasn’t a normal stop for us. It’s funny what randomly sticks in the memory.
Danielle and I had been driving when that dust storm (a.k.a. haboob) came through - it was bad enough we had to pull over. Just last week I got a cool 360
° video of one that came through from the southeast. The south, west and north skylines were bright blue with brilliant, fluffy white clouds and then the southeast was this ominous, miles-wide cloud of dust and wind. There have been some pretty epic videos of monsoons in Az - check out this timelapse compilation from an especially massive one back in 2018. 🐞


May 11, Sunday

We left Mom’s at 7 am and made it to the mountain at 10 am. Michael came over at 10:30. John got the leak in the trailer fixed and we moved back in. Chelle and Schyler came over. Schyler has grown and is such a cutie! Goon came over – Faron showed up for a while – Steven was here; Sam, Rane and the kids came by.
Shine brought elk steaks and the kids all ate with us for Mother’s Day.

*Side note for the grand kids reading - the trailer we stayed in was Grandma Jacque’s! Not the same trailer, but right there on that lot, long before Ben and Danielle built their house.


May 12, Monday

We went up to work – John starts tomorrow, I’ll probably start next Monday. Chelle and Schyler stayed up here today. Samie went to Rane’s and they brought her home at 7 pm – Rane was in labor, about 12 minutes apart.
We registered Samie in school again. She’ll start tomorrow for the last 4 weeks.


May 13, Tuesday

Chelle and Schyler left at 7 am.
John went to WORK  - yuk! He says it’s all the same ‘old crap – only it gets harder to take every year. They called him on the radio in Whiteriver to get back and get a physical. They were afraid he was contagious if he did have hepatitis.
We stayed busy all morning, but the afternoon was boring. It’s been a long time since I’ve spent my days alone. Samie went to school and was treated like a celebrity. She said while they were finding a desk for her she said “just let me get comfy on the couch and I’ll be fine!”
Goon and her friend Jacque came by. Sam came to take Samie to the hospital to see Rane and her new half-sister. They haven’t named her yet, she was born at 10:30 am at 7lb, 10oz. Samie says she’s so cute.
We drove up to Bill and Thrisha Gibson’s for a couple hours. They are going to San Carlos tomorrow for a week – I’m jealous!

*In regard to the discomfort of going back to work - I can attest to how much harder it is to go back when you’ve been living for 7 months with an entirely different set of priorities. I know my parents both enjoyed their jobs and working at Navopache Electric - but of course there are always politics and bits of drama at every job, which just seems all the more petty and unnecessary after getting away from it almost entirely. Hell, I have a hard time going back to work after 7 days, let alone 7 months! It was an adjustment for me each year, too, but as I got older I was always chomping at the bit to see my friends, so that always helped ease the transition back. I didn’t remember going back to class before summer let out - usually we weren’t back early enough. I think this was the only year we did that and I know there would have been lots of excited questions and stories to tell. I vaguely remember all the hub-bub that first day when I came back.
Sam and Rane named the baby Jazmin! She is their third child and second daughter. She was a super cute newborn!
Somewhere here in May was Peggy’s graduation. I remember being teary-eyed, thinking I wasn’t going to see my sister as often anymore, and was happy when that wasn’t the case. Below are some prom and graduation photos with her best friend at the time, Jackie Thompson.


May 16, Friday

What a bore this is. I’ve been raking pine needles to stay busy.
There’s absolutely nothing on T.V.

*That would have been weird for Mom, having all day to herself while waiting to go back to work. Very different from the normal boat days and always having someone there and something to do.


May 17, Saturday

We moved the travel trailer and were re-leveling it when John dropped the floor jack on his big toe and broke it. We got it all set up.
Sunday, he ran the sewer pipe and tied it in to ours. Poor John is so sore and his foot hurts like hell.
Chelle and Schyler came up and brought a few of their things. Goon, Shine and Todd also came by for a while.

*OUCH! Poor Dad, that sounds terrible! 😩

May 19, Monday

Chelle and Schyler stayed until 4 pm, then went back to the valley until Friday.


May 25, Sunday

John found out from his blood test he did have hepatitis. He must be so healthy otherwise that he re-couped so fast! His blood pressure is on the verge of being high, so he’s taking Accupril 10mg (Qumapril HC1) for a couple weeks.
I finally started work on Friday the 23rd.
Danielle came up last Tuesday and Wednesday and left Thursday.
Chelle and Schyler moved up on the 23rd .


May 30, Friday

Jim and Kitty, Summer Wind, came up last night. Sure is great to see them – but strange away from the ocean. We all – John and Maryann too – went to Charlie Clark’s for dinner. Samie stayed home alone.
Jim has his ham radio in the van and tonight we talked to Rob on Nanamuk. It was hard to hear, we’ll rig a better antenna tomorrow. Talk about a great feeling, but also made me really sad – lonely and homesick. The “net” said Jazz was last heard in Papeete.
Steve and Molly, Star Song will be here tomorrow.

*I know how excited I was to get to be able to stay home alone, to have the place to myself and feel like I had this new-found freedom. It’s funny looking back, though, and wishing I’d still have gone to more of those dinners with friends. It could partly be because I find myself wishing I could join them now and catch up! Oh, how cool it would be to be able to visit loved ones from your childhood as the adults we’ve grown into. I think of all the things I would know better to ask about, things I’d want to learn about these treasured friends and the lives they lived - questions which I never would have been inspired to ask as a child.


June 5, Thursday

Well, it’s been a long week.
Saturday we were wall to wall people. Danielle and Aura Lee, Steve, Molly, Jim, Kitty, Shine and Todd.
Sunday the cruising gang went up to Reservation Lake – Steve caught 6 fish – everyone else, zip. Everyone played horse shoes and we BBQed at the house.
Monday Star Song left for the mountain to camp out for the week.
Jim and Kitty slept at the cabin, but were down here for meals.
Wednesday night they took us out for dinner at La Casita.
Thursday morning they left for Texas.
Steve and Molly stopped back by for one night, then headed to California.
Steve and Brenda Paquette came up camping on Green’s Peak over July 4 and stayed here a couple nights, which was nice.
Chelle and Schyler moved back to Mesa where she’ll be manager of the OTC drugs in a Walmart Pharmacy (on July 12th).
John has been down at Barb and Richard’s helping with their addition and remodel nearly every day.

*It is becoming quite clear that Dad’s constant helping of others with these types of things is why I find myself practically daydreaming about helping friends and neighbors with random stuff like this. Like, who offers to help weed yards ‘cause it sounds like fun? I have! I’m not as knowledgeable in so many technical and mechanical areas like my dad, but I’m excited to help with the skills I do have and am willing to learn new skills! I love making recommendations and helping people find what they need through avenues they may not have considered. So, here’s a thanks to Dad for being a positive influence in that willingness to help! 🐞


August 3, Sunday

Michael is buying Jacque’s little travel trailer (our guest house – bummer). He’s paying $2,800. They are moving out to Clay Springs today.
I’ve been writing letters to some of the “cruising gang.” We have our old computer back, so Samie is on it with the print shop and I can type. We’ve gotten a letter and beautiful postcard from Jazz in Bora Bora. I typed a story I wrote for the family history Mom wanted for the McLellan’s. It is far from a “history” more of a story about the life we are living aboard the Wandrin’ Star.

*I just read Mom’s story for the first time as an adult - it is so perfect! Well written, Mom! ❤ 🐞


August 25, Monday

Yes – we’re getting there!
We have heard from Tom, Island Trader, he’s having a good time. The card came from Bora Bora. Nanamuk also mailed from Bora Bora. Having a great time, but missing us!
Steve and Molly, Star Song called a while back. They hate it in California.
I mailed Jim and Kitty the pictures of Summer Wind under sail with their flapping jib. I also wrote a little poem for Jim. They mailed us pictures of Wandrin’ Star under sail. They are also counting days to get out of Texas and back to Mexico.
I called Cynthia, Miss Teak II, in Colorado. They have big plans. They’ll go check on the boat in Mazatlan in Septemer. Then, October 14 they are flying to Fiji to crew on Jazz to New Zealand, then fly home and be in Mazatlan by Christmas they hope. She is really getting brave! It was really good to hear her voice.
We went to Angie’s for dinner – Mom was there, too.
It has been raining here like crazy every afternoon!

*Dang! The whole gang was in Bora-Bora! We knew them all separately - I wonder if any of them knew each other or ran into each other out there. Postcards below - as well as a photo of Steve and Laura from that summer (they were some of the very first friends we made, back in San Diego).
I was surprised to read that Cynthia was planning to sail with them to New Zealand! So cool. Awe - I had forgotten about Tom’s nickname for me: Roger-Roger. I don’t remember why exactly, other than "“roger” or “roger that” being common lingo for “I understand” or “agreed” or “copy that.” Maybe it was reference for me always being up for an outing or an adventure or to help out with something, or just that it was cute the way I said it on the radio. Who knows!


August 30, Saturday

Princess Diana of Whales was killed in a car accident in Paris tonight. They have run a lot of news specials on her life, which has been very interesting.

*I remember watching her funeral live - it was a five-hour broadcast. The whole thing was very sad.

September 6, Friday

Mother Theresa died today of a heart attack, another great woman.

*What a devastating time for the world, grieving together. Two of the most renowned and inspirational women of the time taken from us within a week.


September 7, Sunday

Barb and Richard have been at Lake Powell all week – so it’s been boring around here. I am catching up on letters today.


September 16, Tuesday

Last week we watched as Hurricane Linda developed to 185 mph winds – the strongest ever in the East Pacific. It was far enough off the coast of Mexico, they only got high swell – we heard 10 foot – not much wind. Brent gave us a report that there were 17 Mexican Navy guys on Socorro Island – which the hurricane went right over. No word as to how they survived. It was far enough from Cabo and finally turned west around Mag. Bay, Baja.
Now we’re watching to see what Nora does. She’s developing around Manzanillo and closer to the shoreline.



September 25, Thursday

Hurricane Nora’s rain and waves hit the Baja – bad. After sitting for 3 days SW off Manzanillo and spinning at 105 mph – all the major ports down to Acapulco and up the coast were closed. Rosa faxed from La Cruz – its not too bad there. Chris and Lorry faxed from Barra – it got heavy surf and rain. The road along the beach was partly washed out and some of the restaurants – the far end where Phil’s is was ok.
The news showed Cabo and La Paz with rain and floods and heavy surf. This a.m. Nora crossed the Baja at Turtle Bay and hit Rocky Point with 60k winds and 12-foot surf. San Carlos had 20k of breeze and 2” of rain. Escaped another one.
Steve and Molly are in Alpine for a week until they head to Mazatlan.
Janice called today; they made it into San Francisco a couple days ago. She was glad, that’s a rough coast to sail.
We were supposed to get heavy rain from Nora – 8 pm only 2 minutes of light stuff.
Talked to Cynthia, Miss Teak II, they were in Mazatlan checking on their boat and Nora was moving on by – we had 42k here and heavy rain – all is well.
They are looking forward to the Fiji to New Zealand trip.

*Too cute! The post card below was signed by Lisa and The Rocket Monster, which was my nickname for John because he used to do that fun trick, launching me out of the water at the pool in Barra de Navidad. Love it!


April ‘97